iEARN Cameroon runs the YES program in Cameroon. The YES scholarship program is implemented by a consortium of organizations lead by American Council. In Cameroon, iEARN-SchoolNet Cameroon coordinates the recruitment and orientation exercises for the exchange program in partnership with the U.S Embassy, Public Affairs Office in Cameroon .Finalists selected Students live with host families, attend high school, and engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. Since 2009, more 100 Cameroonians have successfully completed the YES program. As YES alumni, they continue to make positive impact in their community. iEARN Cameroon also provides computerized English courses and internet supply to help students to ameliorate their language level in other to successfully afford selection rounds, to participation.
Some former students testify to the contribution of YES PRORAM in their lives.
What activities did you participate in during your YES year, or what skills did you learn, that you have used to improve your home country or community?